This week, I write about history of the
guitar. Now, various kinds of the guitar are played. Let`s know how the guitar
was created and how the guitar developed.
・The guitar`s ancestor is bow.
It is said that stringed instruments
including the guitar comes derive from bow. It is thought that in order to make
this bow resound, predecessor attaches nut to bow and stretches many strings to
make strings resound each other. According to materials of ancient wall
paintings and sculptures, it is said that before BC.3700, the instrument
resembling the guitar have been born. These two types of instruments can be
seen in instrumental history of Southeast Asia, Africa and India. The guitar is
instrument which uses both of types of way of resounding. Concerning life style
and religion, these instruments have developed and in about BC.3000, the
instrument which resembles the guitar in shape was born. In Greek civilization,
the instrument, which has two important characteristic was created. First
characteristic, the body of the instrument is composed by boards. Second characteristic,
the instrument has bridge which is glued. These two characteristics have made a
big influence on developing of stringed instrument. It is said that after this
event, during one thousand years, there is no new discovery in the guitars developing.
・Introduction of the Lute and to Europe
and Birth of the Guitar
In 711, by Moor`s occupation of the Iberia
peninsula, the lute which is ancestor of the guitar spread to Europe via Spain.
In 15century, the lute become to be played in dance music and fantasia and, the
lute become the most popular instrument in 15~16century. In Spain, in contrast
to other European countries, the lute did not played as important instrument
and, lute develop to the Vihuela. Though the lute`s shape is as pear which is
cut in half, this vihuela is flat and is as today`s guitar. To be accurate, “vihuela”
is the name which is express overall various form of stringed instrument. A kind
of guitar and vihuela developed to the guitar which match Spanish dance.
・To baroque guitar from renaissance guitar
In 16~18century, most of the guitar ware
double strings and the number of strings become five from four. Four strings
guitar is named renaissance guitar and, five strings guitar is named baroque
guitar. In 1700s, six strings and round sound hole guitar was invented. It is
because the reeling string was invented. After this event, the guitar developed
to six strings type.
・Completion of Classical guitar and Development
After invention of six strings guitar,
medium and small size guitar was invented. The classical guitar was completed
by Antonio de Torres Jurado in 19centry. Torres`s guitar had volume and ability
of expression that can be heard in concert hall. He challenged make the
guitar`s sound big. Francisco Eixea Tarrega loved this Antonio`s guitar and it
make the guitar popular around the world.
・First Electric guitar
First electric instrument was invented by Loyd
Loar , Electric double base. In 1931, the first electric guitar flying pan was
made by Rickenbacker that is musical instrument company, but that was not
popular. In 1930s, Gibson super 400 and L series which have PICK UP become
When was the acoustic guitar made first?
返信削除when did guitarist increased rapidly?
Why is old known in detail?
I understood well about history. I think it is written well.
I think it is better to put in the picture of an old guitar.